Room Painting Services
Yes, we can paint just one room for you.
Hiring a painter to paint just one room can be surprisingly frustrating. Larger painting companies tend to prioritize bigger projects and may not even return your calls. Smaller companies are often unreliable, may have no reviews and unproven track record. Finding an individual highly skilled painter is possible, but most of them work for large companies that can offer full-time employment.
You can also paint yourself, or hire college students or go on a Craigslist.
Alternatively, please contact us and we will schedule painting your room. An experienced and trusted painter will arrive to you on-time (usually 8am) and will complete the job in one day. We are mostly booked a few weeks in advance, so we recommend you contact us asap.
To start, please request a quote. We will charge a flat rate for most small/medium rooms. As long as one painter can complete your job in one day, you would be charged the same rate. The rate will consist of labour charge + estimated paint charge + NJ Sales tax. We are fully transparent. There are no extra charges.
Information that we need to give you a quote:
If you are need to paint walls only or ceilings, trim, doors, closets too?
How large is your room?
Any repairs needed before painting?
What is the current color of the walls and what color are you looking to paint with?
Nail & screw holes. Included. We will fix all the nail and screw holes before priming and painting the walls.
Skim-coating. Not included. If your walls are uneven, they may require skim-coating, which is generally a labour-intensive process. Skim-coating one room can take 3-5 business days. If you need any repairs beyond nail and screw holes, please let us know in advance.
Paint brand selection. We typically buy the paint for our clients at a local Benjamin Moore store. We get a contractor’s discount which we fully pass to our clients. If you prefer to use paints of any other brand, you would need to provide the paint in sufficient quantities before we start the job. We do not recommend Home Depot Behr lines.
Paint grade selection. Unless instructed otherwise, we work with 0-VOC low-odor Benjamin Moore Regal Select paints, the best interior paints as per New York Times. Rental apartments typically need to be repainted every year or two and we recommend more budget-friendly Benjamin Moore UltraSpec500 paint which typically costs twice less compared to Regal Select. Roughly, Regal Select costs $60 per gallon while UltraSpec $30 per gallon.
Color selection. Most of our customers select colors on their own. You can just select any color you would like and we will buy paint for your at a Benjamin Moore store. Here is a page with the most popular colors at Benjamin Moore. After you selected one or several colors, we recommend you stop by at your local Benjamin Moore store to pick up a few swatches or possibly even samples. You can apply the samples on your walls on your own. If you want our help, we’d be happy to send you a professional painter to help, but we would charge you for a half-a-day minimum for his services. Most of our clients are ok applying samples on their own.
Sheen selection. The walls are typically painted in flat or matte or eggshell. Eggshell is the shiniest, flat is dullest, matte is in-between. Flat is recommended when the walls are not in the most perfect condition because flat covers all the imperfections well, while eggshell emphasizes them. All Benjamin Moore Regal Select paints are washable, but eggshell is a bit more durable and a bit easier to wash.
Ceilings are typically painted with ultra flat sheen. Trim and doors are typically painted with semi-gloss paints.
Payment. We accept all forms of payment, but bill 3% extra if you pay with credit or debit cards. There is no extra charge for payment with a check, cash or ACH.